It was Christmas Day. I guess I should have been back in the U.S. opening gifts close to a Douglass fir, with the sounds of White Christmas on the stereo and fluffy flakes falling quietly outside. But that prospect had me depressed a few years back (before I met my husband). That’s how I ended up at Chiang Mai at cooking school feasting on yellow curry chicken and bananas with coconut milk that December 25th. One of my best girlfriends and I decided the previous August that we just couldn’t take another Christmas at home with the ‘rents and so we decided that a Thai/Cambodian adventure was in order. And if we were going all that way, we had to learn how to cook up some better Thai treats. Seven courses late that Christmas day, we had succeeded in putting the finishing touches on fish wrapped in banana leaves and pork with wide noodles, comprised of fresh vegetables and noodles that we had shopped for earlier that day with an instructor. (Did you know that the shape of cashew you pick out is important?). To this day, it remains one of my fondest memories of a Christmas holiday.
Chiang Mai Thai Cookery School: http://www.thaicookeryschool.com/
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