Ah, he was charming. He delivered appropriate jokes. The right intonation. The perfect British accent. The little sparkle in his eye. The slight grin. He talked of "soft power." He had lived in Yugloslavia. We had so much in common.
He was my...commencement speaker. Yesterday, I received my master's degree in international relations from the Global Master of Arts Program at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts. Shashi Tharoor is no usual commencement speaker, having finished second last year in the race for election to the post of Secretary General of the UN, a prolific writer of fiction and non-fiction and a key UN figure for more than two decades. One can see why, given his intellect, public speaking prowess and diplomatic skills. Yesterday, he gave a brilliant address regarding India and its influence in the world, from IT to Bollywood. I couldn't help but smile at the "coincidence" of the fact that I had written my thesis on the impact of USAID on U.S. soft power.
Now onto other reads by this prolific writer. Perhaps you'd like to see what he's all about:
He was my...commencement speaker. Yesterday, I received my master's degree in international relations from the Global Master of Arts Program at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts. Shashi Tharoor is no usual commencement speaker, having finished second last year in the race for election to the post of Secretary General of the UN, a prolific writer of fiction and non-fiction and a key UN figure for more than two decades. One can see why, given his intellect, public speaking prowess and diplomatic skills. Yesterday, he gave a brilliant address regarding India and its influence in the world, from IT to Bollywood. I couldn't help but smile at the "coincidence" of the fact that I had written my thesis on the impact of USAID on U.S. soft power.
Now onto other reads by this prolific writer. Perhaps you'd like to see what he's all about:
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