Since we departed for Amman, Jordan the day that Tim Russert died tragically, I had not had the opportunity to read the obituaries or see the tributes. Yesterday, I had a chance to see a memorial in which both Tom Brokaw and Maria Shriver spoke eloquently about his love of life, love of family and love of country. It actually moved me to tears. I think everyone felt like they knew Tim Russert and he was certainly the person that I let into my living room on Sunday morning to talk politics civilly and thoughtfully. Back when I was working for Governor Tom Ridge and his name was being tossed around as a running mate for Senator Bob Dole (remember that?), Tim Russert called me to see if he could arrange a time to speak with the Governor. He couldn't have been more friendly or down-to-earth. In all of my years working as Communications Director and press secretary to the Governor and Congressman, this is one of only two calls that I actually remember vividly, perhaps given the larger-than-life status he occupied in my mind. He will certainly be missed.
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