Thanks again to Nicholas Kristoff's 2 latest columns on women in Pakistan who suffer unspeakable acts of gang rape, honor killings carried out by siblings and acid incidents in which their faces are purposefully disfigured by their husbands, I'm able to put the Thanksgiving holiday -- and so much to be thankful for -- into proper global perspective. Of course, I'm thankful for Brad, Abby, Nathaniel and the little one to be (as some of you know -- still no name), but I'm even more thankful for a system, no matter how flawed, that neither would allow or fail to prosecute these types of crimes.
We can't change these societies overnight, but we can continue to support the international development work taking place there and the work of groups like Mercy Corps, CARE, World Vision and so many others which are working to empower women and reform justice systems which incredibly allow these acts to go unpunished. Or contribute directly to local groups like the Progressive Women's Association of Pakistan or the Mukhtar Mai Women’s Welfare Organization which are bravely fighting this injustice and working to protect women.