This burning question vexes me about every 2 months. I stand in front of my closet and ponder the weather, the perfect work-to-night transition outfits and the most comfortable, yet stylish, plane outfit. I have, over the years, cut out and saved numerous articles from Conde Naste and Travel and Leisure on the perfect packing items. I've got some of it down to a science: pashminas, accessories, IPod, very small laptop, flats, compressed work out shoes, Bose headphones, white t-shirts, black travel pants, travel wallet. So, why oh why do I still search for the perfect packable items? Is it some mysterious malady that forces me to continue the search for the most packable, yet presentable, items in the universe?
Here again is another set of suggestions from Town and Country, one of my favorite travel mags.
In the meantime, I'll keep looking.
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